Sunday, November 25, 2007
Audie's Birthday
Audie has not retired yet. She is still working as a paramedic for the ambulance service. I don't think she EVER plans to stop working.
Happy Birthday, Audie! May you live to be 100!
This is my Uncle Serge with my cousins, Kenneth and Charles.
My cousin, Kay, with my mom and cousin, Carson.
My mom and dad
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I love Thanksgiving afternoon.
I just love Thanksgiving afternoon.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I have an admirer..
Last time, David and I had to pin him to get the harness on.
This time, he was waiting by the gate and sat still while I put the harness on him.
Last time, Ricky pulled and pulled trying to go where he wasn't allowed.
This time, Ricky walked along nicely, rarely pulling.
Last time, Ricky kept trying to stop at fire ant beds.
This time, he ignored the fire ant beds.
Last time, Ricky did NOT want to end his walk.
This time, he still did not want to end his walk.
Last time, Ricky moved away from me as soon as his harness was off.
This time, Ricky sat nicely making grunting noises, while I gave him a rubdown where the harness had been.
Last time, Ricky couldn't care less that I left.
This time, Ricky showed his appreciation for the walk by humping my leg when I tried to leave.
He's my secret boyfriend.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Ramona Lea Ryan, 49, of Waco, passed quietly from our presence into the fullness of God's love Saturday afternoon, Nov. 10. Ramona's life celebration will be 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 18, at The World Hunger Relief Farm, 356 Spring Lake Road, for directions call 799-5611. Ramona was passionate in her love of music, languages, children, conversation, diversity, education, teaching, simplicity, friendship, peace, justice, Oaxaca, Athens, Waco, cultural understanding, Hope Fellowship, and the body of Christ around the world. She is survived by her husband, Luis Matias-Cruz; her children, Gwendolyn, Gerson and Paloma; her parents, Bill and Gladene Ryan, and a host of family, brothers and sisters in the faith, and friends who are left with both sadness in her absence and gratitude for the gifts that she gave us. August 13, 1958 - November 10, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Meet Ricky!
Ricky has a perfectly nice female cavy to ummm...relieve any sexual tension. He has, however, shown absolutely zero interest in her. Instead, Ricky prefers to "show his love" to Mike the capybara. Now, Mike is a lot bigger than Ricky and does NOT like being the recipient of all Ricky's "love." Mike has let Ricky know this repeatedly by biting, kicking, and clawing.
Ricky now lives alone back behind-the-scenes. His enclosure is still roomy, but not as large or as pretty as his previous home. To make sure he gets enough exercise, he gets at least one daily walk. I had trained on walking Ricky last week so this morning, David and I took Ricky for a walk.
Ricky likes to nibble on the grass.
Ricky likes to run and hop. Sometimes we run along with him.
I already introduced you to this new friend, Lurch the Screech Owl. The Ranch House Assistant calls her Precious, and I think that name fits better than Lurch.
I trained on handling Lurch/Precious last week so today I showed David how. Unfortunately, he doesn't like any of the pics I took of him with the owl (I thought they were fine.), so you only get to see me.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
God, I'm boring...
Remember how I said I was working with the new screech owl? Well, we are bonding. She did a great job the other day getting used to her jesses (leg straps) and seems to like me. Screech owls make this trilling call to reach out and make contact with family members. She has been making this noise to me and I can do a passable trill back. As I was standing there trilling back and forth with the owl, I realized that I'm such a nerd.
On that same theme, this music video is hilarious. I've been humming the tune all day.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Thanks to Life With My 3 Boybarians, I learned that November is Prematurity Awareness Month. She has a beautiful story about all that her youngest has overcome as a preemie. New readers may not know that my big strappin' boy, KJ, was a preemie. He was born 7 weeks early weighing 3lb. 6oz.
After being put on a ventilator, flown to Ft. Worth where he spent 2 weeks in the NICU at a children's hospital, getting a couple of doses of surfactant, and lots of scans; he was flown back to Wichita Falls where he spent another 2 weeks in NICU at the local hospital.
28 days after his birth, KJ was finally able to come home where he starting packing on the pounds.
KJ had a tough first couple of years. We had to make regular and frequent trips to see a pediatric pulmonologist in Ft. Worth. He spent most of those years on Prednisone and getting 4 breathing treatments a day. Once KJ hit 2 though, his health slowly started improving. He was still more sickly than his peers, but he never let it get him down. One of the reasons I started homeschooling was because a doctor had told me that KJ would stay healthier if he were NOT in public school.
KJ has obviously overcome his health issues. He is a fun-loving, intelligent young man with a zest for life. He makes me proud everyday.
Premature births can happen to anyone. I was not a teenage mother. I did not smoke, drink, or take drugs. I had excellent prenatal care, gave up caffeine, ate healthily, took my vitamins, and even went to a Mom-E-Robics class.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
One of our friends was also dressed like a hippie so she and David stood together for the costume contest.
Here's Granny (Ruth, but we call her granny) dressed as body organs.
Here are David and Jack from Jack in the Box (Chet) with Wonder Woman (Kara) in between.
Friday, November 2, 2007
More Zoo Boo
This is Dan the VooDoo Witch Doctor. Dan is a fish and invertebrate keeper.
This is a much better picture of David than in yesterday's post. His bottles aren't bubbling, but doesn't he look freaky? He is a docent and Rebel keeper.
This is James, Arachniguy. He is a fish and invertebrate keeper.
This is Suzanne who let people in the building. She is a docent.