Sometimes life has a way of sucker punching in an effort not to wallow and to be more positive, I'm looking on the bright side.
GOOD things that are happening: (I won't be posting the bad.)
* David got the job he had applied for several weeks ago. His current temp job will end today or tomorrow and new job will start next Wed. It will pay enough for us to make ends meet without me getting a second job.
* KJ is all set for community college this Fall. He will be taking American Music and General Biology. He is very excited.
* My work schedule for the Fall is such that I can add in an extra center on Wed. mornings since KJ will be at CC anyway.
* Sammie has now made it a night, a day, and a night without any accidents in the house.
* KJ's birthday party is tonight at the bowling alley and I am NOT stressed about it at all. We should have a nice, relaxing time.
* KJ is volunteering at Zoo Camp Mon-Fri for the next 3 weeks and is really liking it so far.
* KJ managed to get enough money for his birthday that he was able to buy the iPod he wanted. (8G and pink)
* David built a cute little drum set to put on KJ's birthday cake. I'll take a pic at the party tonight.
* I'm sending in the last of KJ's Alaska forms and money today so he'll be all set to leave at the end of the month.