Monday, June 30, 2008

KJ's summer trip - Days 1 and 2

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Well, he's gone. After several weeks of frantically getting KJ ready to leave for camp, I dropped him in Georgetown yesterday. There was a cook-out for families and an orientation that scared the parents half to death. After a 45 minute presentation on bear and moose safety (complete with graphic photos), I was ready to take my baby and run. We found out afterwards that they wanted to make sure the campers understood the seriousness of bear safety, AND that the parents were not scheduled to see the presentation. There was a last-minute schedule change so the parents got to sit through the orientation too. The campers were flying out this morning to Seattle, Washington where the Mountain Men bus is waiting for them. They will get to spend several hours at the Pike Street Market before heading out to Deception Pass State Park.

I probably won't hear from KJ more than a couple of times, if that much. One of the parents will be getting periodic updates from the camp director and letting the rest of us know what's been going on and where they are. I'll update the map as the campers travel.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

I'm a Mazda Miata!

You like to soak up the sun, but your tastes are down to earth. Everyone thinks you're cute. Life is a winding road, and you like to take the curves in stride. Let other people compete in the rat race - you're just here to enjoy the ride.

Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Thanks for the warm thoughts, everybody.

I'm still here, just busy getting KJ ready to leave for Alaska. Things are really okay here. I've just been in a mood lately...perimenopause sucks.

Friday, June 20, 2008

This story makes me sick. What kind of asshole teacher burns ANYTHING on a student? He should have been fired and then prosecuted just for that. Teaching intelligent design and purposely not teaching evolution is just gravy.

I had jury duty twice this week, once on Monday to find out where I would have to go and when, and then again on Wednesday to actually sit through the jury selection process for this trial. The defendant was pleading guilty. We were just going to have to decide the punishment. I was not picked, thank goodness. I don't think I could have looked at the photos without being physically ill. I figure the defense struck me off the list as soon as they found out I currently teach 2 through 5 year-olds. It's ironic that I've been registered to vote continuously since age 18 and have never once been summoned. NOW, with all that is going on...I get summoned.

By the way, the June 10 thing did not go as we hoped.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I don't think I've mentioned that our neighbor's dogs, our "foster" dogs, are about to be OUR dogs. The neighbors are moving and asked if they could leave Roscoe and Curly here. Of course, we said, "yes." Curly somehow hurt his leg a couple of weeks ago. After giving it 5 days to improve, I finally took him in to the vet. It is muscular so he is on an anti-inflamatory. So anyway, Sammie, Roscoe, and I went for a walk in the woods across the street this afternoon. Curly stayed behind so he could rest his leg. It was about 94 degrees today, but the wind was blowing hard so it was okay in the shade.

Come on, Mama. Let's go!

Wait for me, Roscoe.

There is a corn field behind the woods. There goes Roscoe...but where is Sammie?

It's shady in here, Mama.

I'm pretty sure this is the trail we want.

We need a rest stop.

Sammie ran ahead with Roscoe until we came to this.

You first, Mama.

Roscoe and I have both been on these trails dozens of times so we had a nice walk. This was Sammie's first time so HE had an adventure.
KJ's party Tuesday night was a blast! We all had a great time bowling and visiting. Though we had 25 people, I actually got so involved bowling that I only got a couple of pictures.
This was the cake.

This is Kelsey, KJ, and Savannah.

We have known the families who came to the party for 4-5 years. During this tough time, we have learned who our true friends are. Words cannot adequately express how much we appreciate and value their support. Thanks guys!

After Sammie and his Freddie Kruger-like nails sliced me open again yesterday, I took him to the local groomer to have his nails filed. He was sooooo scared...poor baby. From the time we walked through the door until the time we left took a whopping 5 minutes, but Sammie shook the entire time. She sprayed him with some doggie cologne and tied a cute little neckerchief on him, before handing him back to me. He was so CUTE and smelled so gooood. Unfortunately, his cologne triggered a migraine (in me, not Sammie) so we both took a little nap when we got home.

On another Sammie note, he likes to toss sticks into the air when he is outside. Apparently, this is great fun, because he'll do it for 30 minutes straight. This afternoon, I let him outside and watched as he ran out into the yard a little ways. He immediately started the stick tossing...wait, that's an odd looking stick...what IS that? I threw on my shoes and walked over to find Sammie tossing a 6-8 inch portion of a dead snake. There was even part of its spine sticking out one end. There were two snake pieces that something, probably an owl, decided it was too full to eat. Oh, the lovely aroma of decomposing flesh. Ewwww! After nixing using KJ's toothbrush on Sammie, I decided to just give him a milkbone.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

positive things

Sometimes life has a way of sucker punching in an effort not to wallow and to be more positive, I'm looking on the bright side.

GOOD things that are happening: (I won't be posting the bad.)

* David got the job he had applied for several weeks ago. His current temp job will end today or tomorrow and new job will start next Wed. It will pay enough for us to make ends meet without me getting a second job.

* KJ is all set for community college this Fall. He will be taking American Music and General Biology. He is very excited.

* My work schedule for the Fall is such that I can add in an extra center on Wed. mornings since KJ will be at CC anyway.

* Sammie has now made it a night, a day, and a night without any accidents in the house.

* KJ's birthday party is tonight at the bowling alley and I am NOT stressed about it at all. We should have a nice, relaxing time.

* KJ is volunteering at Zoo Camp Mon-Fri for the next 3 weeks and is really liking it so far.

* KJ managed to get enough money for his birthday that he was able to buy the iPod he wanted. (8G and pink)

* David built a cute little drum set to put on KJ's birthday cake. I'll take a pic at the party tonight.

* I'm sending in the last of KJ's Alaska forms and money today so he'll be all set to leave at the end of the month.