Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Where has this week gone?

It's been almost a week since my last post, and I'm not sure why. I know the weekend was busy, but aside from DOD on Sunday, I can't remember what we did. KJ has been in a bit of trouble and is grounded from the internet. In addition, I've taken over scheduling his day for a while. Monday was absolutely; awful full of anger (his), frustration (both), and tears (mine). Things are better now though, and his school work is getting done.

On a fun note, KJ has transformed his mud hole/frog habitat into a little frog pond. We put a pond liner in, some river rock in the bottom, and he placed a ring of red brick and crushed white marble around the top. I forgot to take a picture and it's dark outside now, so you'll have to wait.

David and I attended the docent appreciation dinner at the zoo last night where we had great food and a wonderful time. I even got a little hedgehog lapel pin for my hours of service. (58 in 5 weeks)

I've realized that I keep forgetting to answer questions in the comments.
J-Lynn - No, I only worked the camp during Spring Break since KJ was gone anyway. I'll probably do one or two this summer too.
Dy - I have no idea how to take a close-up. My friend actually snapped the picture, but she just pointed and clicked. I DID Photo-shop it some though. I increased the contrast, decreased the brightness, increased the saturation, and sharpened the focus on the worm itself.


J-Lynn said...

Sorry for the bumps in the road with KJ. What a neat idea he had for the frogs!

I'm glad you had a good time at the dinner, you deserve the pin! How was KJ's trip?

The worm thing looks like a blast!

Dy said...

Way to go on the service work. One day the littles won't be quite so little, and while I'll miss the heck out of this stage, I'm looking forward to doing things like that again. :-)

Bummer. It looks like I'm going to have to give up and get Photoshop. *sigh* I'm such a weenie. I don't wanna. I just want a professional photographer (who has his own copy of Photoshop) to come live w/ us.
