Monday, August 27, 2007

The winner is...

... Lisa of "Because I'm The Mama That's Why" with her Friendly Advice entry. Yay Lisa!! Please email me at with your prize choice. I'll be away from the computer most of today, but I promise I'm not ignoring you.

David, KJ, and I read, laughed, and discussed all the stories at length. We all had our favorites and their was some initial disagreement as to which one should win. Finally, we decided on a few factors on which to base our decision. We went with the following in order of importance.

1. How hard was the clean-up?
2. How big was the mess?
3. Was it yucky?
4. How hard did we laugh?

Chris won the #4 category hands-down with his One Hell of a Diaper entry.

Karisma and Kids made as shudder in horror from the "yuck" factor with her Flushed Away story.

I was leaning towards Wendy's lipstick being the hardest mess to clean up, but ultimately I beat everyone up we agreed on the overall winner.

Thanks everybody!

1 comment:

karisma said...

Congratulations to Lisa! Poor thing! I suggest you dont get that puppy right now! Looks like you've got enough on your hands.

Both of those stories were funny, but I could really relate to that Diaper story. My respect goes to Chris who still keeps helping. My SB had an episode like that and NEVER helped again. He did not even think to use the wipes, he went ahead and used all the spare diapers instead, yes, all of them and we were on a picnic out in the middle of nowhere, so had to go home. (It was his first and last time, helping and it was baby no. 2)