Thursday, November 1, 2007

KJ went trick or treating with some friends over near his dad's house last night while David and I worked Zoo Boo. We tried to get him to volunteer at Zoo Boo also, but noooooo, he wanted to trick or treat. After hearing how much fun David and I had though, he wants to do Zoo Boo next year. KJ decided the DAY BEFORE HALLOWEEN that he did indeed need a costume. He had a mask so he just needed a hood and robe which I threw together in an pattern, so it wasn't very good, but he wore it.
David and I both worked in Arachniguy's Web. We had coordinated costumes with the keepers before hand, so David was a deranged mad scientist and I was a spider. My pic of David didn't turn out. He was under a red light and I did not want to use the flash. The Education Curator is burning me a CD of all the pics she took, so I'll post them when I pick it up tomorrow.

Me as a black widow. I looked better in the exhibit than I do here in the parking lot. Strobe lights can make anything look scary.

David as a mad scientist. Everybody LOVED this area. He had bottles of colored solutions, some of which were smoking and bubbling, a rat nibbling on a severed foot, a saw, candles, bloody cloth, etc. He was under a red light, but also had a strobe on him and a fog machine.


Cory said...

Sounds so fun!

My son was just saying last night how he'd love to be a haunt at a spooky house.

Unknown said...

My,my, my but you all look scary to me! If I hadn't known you were a black widow I wouldn't have known it was you!

KJ on the other hand looks just like himself! LOL LOL Sorry KJ, just Grandmomma joking with you!

David would do as a mad scientist in any haunted house! Sometimes I think he IS a mad scientist! :)

Love you,

karisma said...

Cool. You all look very SCARY.

Heather said...

We have a Halloween thing at the zoo also; it's called Night Eyes. We went one year, but it was totally lame. Just walking around the zoo "trick or treating" different booths sponsored by local businesses. The kids got pencils that said "Channel 13 news" and 3D glasses advertizing some 3D kids movie that was soon to be released. There weren't even any animals It sucked. I'm glad yours is a lot more fun. the costumes are GREAT!