Thursday, March 20, 2008

Misc. tidbits

My cough kept getting worse despite all my home remedies. When I couldn't catch my breath and was wheezy, I finally broke down and went to the doctor. She said it was bronchitis. I have some meds plus I'm still drinking honey in warm water so maybe I'll get better soon.

This afternoon, I noticed that someone had beat me to the punch and cleared out the dead leaves and plants from part of the front flower bed. I was wondering who when I noticed that a couple of chickens were steadily making their way along the other half, scratching all the dead stuff out in their quest for worms and bugs. They are doing an awesome job!

David discovered an easier way to get the chickens to go back in the coop. We usually just herd them in, but there is always that ONE chicken who is nearly impossible to catch. Anyway, today he made a sound like a hawk. The chickens froze and then ALL of them made a mad dash for the safety of the coop.

We go pick KJ up tomorrow. I'm sure he'll have lots to say about the trip.

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