We had a long, but good day today. I have to shadow 6 docent activities before I'm a fully trained zoo docent, so today I shadowed an animal presentation. It was for 2 groups of 2nd graders and was supposed to be from 10:00-11:00. They were coming in from out-of-town and were late, plus the presentations ran a little long so it ended up lasting until 11:45. Since I'm helping with Spring Break Camp, I needed to stay and train on a few more animals. *ahem* I am proud to announce that I have added the Texas Long Nose Snake, Oppossum, and American Alligator to the list of animals I am allowed to handle. KJ took this picture with my phone. It's pretty tiny and poor quality, but it's me with the snake. The alligator was so cool! He's obviously not fully grown (10-12 feet), but is still somewhat intimidating at 3 feet. I should have had KJ get a pic of that.

It was 1:00 by the time we left the zoo, so KJ and I grabbed fast food and headed over to fencing. For the first half of fencing, KJ's drafting teacher helped him catch up after being out sick. Homeschool moms are so nice. Her son is in fencing too, but still, it was very nice of her to spend extra time with KJ. He fenced for the last half and we headed home.
*most* HSmoms are nice. I unfortunately had the experience of one who was completely off her rocker and went from nice to raging screaming lunatic in 0.2 seconds. YIKES. LOL
You look great up there with that snake! ARe you liking it? Were you nervous at all? What a cool pasttime!!!
Oh, sweet! A recent picture of you. yay! the docent teraining sounds like fun.
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