* Laura - Yes, I remember Boo Kitty. How could I possibly forget her? Kevin and I used to refer to her as Freddie Kruger Claws. The flea shampoo didn't solve our problem so all the cats plus our 2 foster dogs got Advantage today. I'm also going to spray the yard tomorrow and attempt to bathe the dogs.
* J-Lynn - If I got low on gas, I could have always stopped at the Shell. :-)
* Dy - You can get a ticket for cruising? I had no idea.
I really wished I had recorded the following events. We could win America's Funniest Home Videos.
Wednesday evening, after KJ had left for his dad's, and before David got home from work, I decided to replenish the hay in the chicken pens. I opened up the Red's and Betty's pen. They ran out to gorge on bugs and grass while I added hay to their nesting box. Next, I did the same with Diddy and Ziggy's pen, and lastly, Winkin's pen. All the chickens were enjoying the beautiful weather, feasting, taking dust baths, and just generally enjoying life. I moved on to Paul's pen. Now I don't let Paul out like I do the others, because I'm not sure that I could get him to go back in. I was giving him feed, changing his water, and adding hay, while attempting to keep him in with the feed bucket. Suddenly Paul came at me wings flapping, and beak aimed right at my face. I fell over backward trying to get out of the way...and he. was. out.
Paul immediately leaped on Betty's back and started ummm... mating.
(Betty is finishing her molting, not diseased.)
Poor Betty squawked for help and then just put up with it. Paul jumped off Betty and on Ziggy.
Ziggy tried to fight, but also lost out to Paul's hormonal frenzy. Diddy tried to run, but she was no match for Paul either.
About 2 minutes had passed since Paul's escape. Apparently he was one ho**y rooster. About this time, David drove up. He was just in time to see Paul go after Winkin. She is our sweetest hen. She never pecks, doesn't mind being held, and is normally very passive. With Paul however, Winkin fought back.
David and I watched in awe and amazement while Winkin kicked Paul's booty. Paul had grabbed her by the back of her neck as he tried to mount. Winkin shook him and grabbed HIM by the back of the neck. Paul tried to get rid of her, but Winkin was relentless. When she got thrown loose, she chased Paul down, pecked at him and grabbed his neck again. Paul ran into Ziggy and Diddy's pen trying to escape, but Winkin followed him in. Finally, they stopped and were having a stare down; Paul looked terrified and Winkin looked like a PMSing woman who had just been called fat by her hubby.
I moved Winkin away from Paul and put her up in her pen. Paul ran out of Ziggy and Diddy's pen so I put them up also. I managed to rescue Betty from Paul and put her up also. I started herding the Red's (who had been way out in the yard) towards their pen. I got Rudy to safety before Paul came rushing over scattering the rest.
I put on some leather work gloves and attempted to guard Paul like you do in basketball to prevent him getting around me, while David put up Nikki and Wendy.
When Wendy reached the safety of her pen, Paul crowed in frustration and started leaping towards my face. He was pi**ed off big time!! I cursed at him and backed off. David took the gloves while I grabbed a hysterical Dorothy.
Dorothy and I watched as David and Paul battled. Paul would leap at David and David would swat him back down. I don't remember David's exact words, but it was something like, "Come on! Come on! You think you're tough!? Come on! I'll kick your a**!" Paul ran from David into his own pen. Dorothy and I breathed a sigh of relief. I put her up and helped David latch Paul's pen.
Would anyone like a beautiful, but hormonally crazed rooster?
1 comment:
He is beautiful, it's always the beautiful ones isn't it? lol
Hysterical!!! Very entertaining to read about too - lol I'm rofl at the image of your husband duelling with the rooster cursing at it. LOL
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