Monday, May 7, 2007

Talk about good timing. My pictures and photo CD came in the mail today.

KJ is on the left.

KJ is on the right.


Bridget said...

Great pictures.

Dy said...

Oh, that's so exciting, but those pictures make my knees all tingly and quivvery. It looks dangerous. EEK! (I know. I do know. But still... argh... the knees!)

Rebel, he has grown so much since I've been reading your blog, and it's just such fun to see a young man really sprout and stretch and grow the way KJ has. Thank you so much for sharing it all with us (with me!) When I start getting teary-eyed over how quickly the littles are changing and not being so little anymore, I can peek over here and think, "Yeah, but that Big Kid stuff looks great, too!"
