Friday, June 22, 2007

Our week in pictures

As I mentioned earlier, I had a houseful this week. Staci (my sister), Emily (her youngest), Cooper, and Cason (my brother's kids) were all down to visit. Cooper and Cason went to Zoo Camp every morning and we spent the afternoons and evenings hanging out and having fun.

Monday evening was KJ's birthday cook-out.

We stuffed our faces and visited with friends and family.
The lady in red is KJ's G'ma, the lady in stripes is KJ's step-mom, and the guy on the far right is KJ's dad.

Pa (next door neighbor) and She-to-fat

Elora and Rodney (She'll kill me if she sees this pic.)

The little ones blew bubbles.


The older ones hunted for frogs.

And all the kids had a water balloon fight.

Samuel, KJ, Elora

And even some of the adults accidentally got wet.

Staci, Emily and I walked the zoo while Cooper and Cason were at camp Tuesday morning. Emily had never been to a zoo that she remembered. This is her "Yay, I'm at the zoo" pose.

She enjoyed the birds.
She really got a kick out of the swimming bear.
We waved hello to Cooper as his camp group passed by.
I couldn't convince Emily to join me in the beaver dam.

She liked the playground though.

This is my favorite part of the playground.

Emily didn't want to get tooooooo wet.

Here she is daydreaming...wonder what she's thinking about.

On Wednesday, we met our Aunt Olene at Peter Piper Pizza.

Everybody was hungry!

Olene made sure everyone had plenty of tokens for games and rides.

Emily wanted to do everything the big kids did.

Oh, I forgot something! On Tuesday evening, cool older cousin KJ, said, "Hey, Cooper and Cason, want to have a water fight?"

Emily wanted to play too. She was a little reserved at first so David gave her a small bowl and had her dump it on Cooper.

OK, who's my next victim?
It's Cason!

Water balloon time again.

OK, back to Wednesday. David led a disco dance party.

Staci and Emily went home Thursday morning. That afternoon, Cooper, Cason, and KJ went next door to hang out since my neighbor's grandson had just arived in town. They played outside near the tank (with neighbor there too), watched Eragon (except for Cason who fell asleep on neighbor's couch for an hour and a half), and spent the evening playing with the BB gun and watching KJ shoot his new paintball gun. Cooper and Cason returned home after camp on Friday. This house is quiet, but I miss them all.


Dy said...

OMGosh, Rebel, what a fantastic week! I love all the pictures - and that little Emily, oh, makes you want to just tuck her into your pocket on the way home! She's adorable.

KJ is such a sweet guy, and I can tell ya, Cool Older Cousins mean the world to the little guys. That's what family is about - we look out for one another, teach one another, love one another, and break out the really cool water balloons for one another.

This is probably my favoritest post ever!

J-Lynn said...

Oh Emily is just ADORABLE!!! I *LOVE* the picture of her watching the bear from behind. The biggest little one reminds me of that guy on the dance floor that just has a great time and does not care that everyone is watching. Too fun!

What great kids and HAPPY BIRTHDAY KJ - you're the coolest cousin ever!