Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Well, KJ was off to SeaWorld Career Camp on Sunday. He called Monday night talking a mile a minute about how great camp is. I've been working Zoo Camp this week and coming home exhausted every evening. I'm also having a good time, but boy, is it hot and humid!

I found this video on another site. I thought it was a spoof at first, because people being this full of hate just seemed too crazy to be true. Unfortunately, after visiting their website and reading some news stories, I realized that they were for real. *sigh* They probably homeschool.


Dy said...

Sadly, they are very much for real. When a school bus ran off an overpass here, they planned to come riot (they say "protest", but they're nothing but a bunch of rabble-rousing rioters) at the funerals of two of the girls who died. I think they'll be shocked when the time comes and God looks them straight in the eyes and says, "I do not know you."

Thankfully, for every one of their hate-filled ranks, there are others, like you and Jess and Andie and... all of our wonderful neighbors... that list is gloriously long. We outnumber the hatemongers, on both sides of the fence, by far.


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm just saying... Do you *have* to look like the woman in the American Gothic painting to attend there? I mean GEESH.

It's sad really, there is so much love that they're missing out on.


Unknown said...

These people are so blind to what real Christianity is about. God hates the sin but loves the sinner. They have no right to try and be the judge for God. The best thing to do is ignore them!

Glad you're having fun while KJ is away even if you are holding a live snake!

Love you,

Bridget said...

What an exciting camp for KJ to be able to attend.
That video, how scary is that. They are professing to be Christians but they are filled with so much hate. It's people like that who give Christians a bad name. And to think they are raising children to be just like that. How very sad.