The Looney Bin is a fun-loving, homeschooling, chicken-raising, organic-eating, cat-loving, and free-thinking family.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Stonhenj at Hewitt Night Out
On Monday, KJ performed with Stonhenj Renaissance Players at a kick-off party for the Annual "Night Out" block parties. I have to say that I personally had a lot more fun than I anticipated. A homeschool family that I used to be close to until they dropped off the face of the Earth (long story) was there, and we spent hours catching up, renewing friendships, and promising to get together again soon. Another homeschool family that I had only met the week before was also there so we also talked and the husbands got to meet. Several local businesses had booths with free goodies so I had a free hot dog, free soda, free water, free nachos, and free cotton candy. I made sure that David and KJ also ate and voila, we've had supper.
I didn't take very many pictures due to my socializing, and the ones I did take are all of KJ. (My apologies to the rest of Stonhenj.)
Doesn't he look cute here? I also remembered NOT to call him sweetie the entire time we were there. You can see the beginnings of extended sideburns or *gasp* a beard. You can tell that it was HOT by the look on Sir Marcus Desmond's face. Boy, they wore lots of layers during the Renaissance. They're discussing something in depth here. KJ and Montuss entertain and educate. Obviously, it was getting dark.
It looks like you all had a great time and hey free food, you can't beat that.
Sounds like you had a blast! KJ looks very handsome.
What a cool sport/hobby (?). Loved teh videos!
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