Thursday, September 20, 2007

Just a quick note to say that I survived all the testing yesterday. I should have the results tomorrow. I still say there is nothing wrong with me, though the bright flashing light at the end of the EEG gave me an instant migraine. Can anybody have a strobe light inches from their face (eyes closed) and NOT get a headache?
Inspired by Phoenix, I am attempting to make bento box lunches for David and KJ. David takes his lunch daily and KJ needs one on Tuesdays and Fridays. Phoenix is much more creative than I'll ever be, so please forgive me if my bentos look *ahem* remarkably similar to hers.
This one is KJ's for tomorrow. Yogurt, eight little pumpkin toothpicks holding pepperoni and cheese ka-bobs, brownie bites, grapes, marshmallows, and a soda. Yes, I know there is quite a bit of sugar there. Both the grape container and marshmallow container have lids, plus the whole box also has a lid.
This one is David's for tomorrow. Rice pudding, grapes, marshmallows, a brownie bite, brown rice with chicken samosas, and a Diet Coke.


karisma said...

Very nice, Very nice but throw out those horrible aluminum cans and give them some nice fresh WATER. And that yogurt does not look like yogurt! (Real yogurt does not come in brown!)

Anonymous said...

I love your bento boxes! I have really got to start making lunches like those for my kiddoes. I love the idea of it!