Mom #1 wants to know how I lost 20 lbs. I should mention that I have 25 more to go.
1. Keep a headache diary and realize that eating chocolate gives you massive, writhing on the bed in pain, migraines. Once your brain makes this connection, the thought of eating chocolate will make you nauseous. You'll lose about 6 pounds just from cutting out chocolate. Then you'll finally realize just how MUCH chocolate you used to eat.
2. Work spring break camp at the zoo. The exercise will cause you to lose about 3 more pounds.
3. Now, that you've lost a little weight, your blood pressure will get too low, especially at night. While you are screwing around with your blood pressure medicine, you will mess up so badly trying to keep it and your caffeine consumption (Dr. Pepper) balanced, that you are nearly fainting at night. In desperation, cut out all caffeine which cuts out your daily Dr. Pepper's. You'll lose about 4 more pounds. On the positive side, you can also cut your blood pressure medicine dosage in half.
4. Read Feast Without Yeast and start eating healthy. You'll lose about 4 more pounds.
5. Have a family catastrophe that will cause you so much stress that you are sick to your stomach and can't eat for a few days. You'll lose a couple of more pounds.
6. Eat whatever the hell you want, because the ongoing stress will just keep pulling the weight off.