Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Newest family member

Today, KJ and I had our final day of co-op for this school year. The drama group practiced the entire time since their competition is next Tuesday. I stayed outside to visit and help watch the younger kids. When one of the other moms showed up carrying a basket holding two puppies, I groaned inwardly. There is a reason I can not go to the animal shelter... I can't stand the thought of a homeless animal! The mom had adopted the momma dog from the animal shelter and the nursing puppies came along with her. Now that the pups were weaned, they needed a good home. One of the pups was very active, while the other preferred to snuggle, be held, and sleep. Guess which one I could not resist? David was in town so I called him to come check out the pup in person. (knowing full well he could not resist such a sweet face) The pics aren't great as I won't get my Photoshop back until my computer returns.

Meet Sam, our newest family member. He is 7 weeks old. (His eyes aren't blue. It's just the flash.)

Sam likes David, and David likes Sam.

Sam likes to sleep.


He gets VERY relaxed.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Look what I got!

Karisma thinks I need a hug. She is right. Thanks Karisma.
Things are getting somewhat back to normal around here. I worked at the zoo most of the day on Saturday for the Earth Day celebration. I was in charge of the silent auction where I ended up buying a painting done by a turtle, and a purse done by LaFou, the education alligator. I found my camera cord so I'll take and upload pics later today.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

How to lose 20 lbs.

Mom #1 wants to know how I lost 20 lbs. I should mention that I have 25 more to go.

1. Keep a headache diary and realize that eating chocolate gives you massive, writhing on the bed in pain, migraines. Once your brain makes this connection, the thought of eating chocolate will make you nauseous. You'll lose about 6 pounds just from cutting out chocolate. Then you'll finally realize just how MUCH chocolate you used to eat.

2. Work spring break camp at the zoo. The exercise will cause you to lose about 3 more pounds.

3. Now, that you've lost a little weight, your blood pressure will get too low, especially at night. While you are screwing around with your blood pressure medicine, you will mess up so badly trying to keep it and your caffeine consumption (Dr. Pepper) balanced, that you are nearly fainting at night. In desperation, cut out all caffeine which cuts out your daily Dr. Pepper's. You'll lose about 4 more pounds. On the positive side, you can also cut your blood pressure medicine dosage in half.

4. Read Feast Without Yeast and start eating healthy. You'll lose about 4 more pounds.

5. Have a family catastrophe that will cause you so much stress that you are sick to your stomach and can't eat for a few days. You'll lose a couple of more pounds.

6. Eat whatever the hell you want, because the ongoing stress will just keep pulling the weight off.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Sorry for the lack of pictures. I used to always use my memory card in a slot on my computer. My current computer doesn't have the slot and I can't seem to locate my camera cord to upload. KJ did get his hair cut and re-dyed black, but the blue highlights didn't really take. Things are back to a normal routine around here, for the most part. KJ's co-op drama group is gearing up for their performance, so the parents are frantically helping with costumes.

Monday, April 7, 2008

I have deleted an earlier post. I will no longer be able to discuss that situation, so this blog will be returning to its regularly scheduled programming of inane subject material. Watch for pictures tomorrow as KJ will be getting his hair cut (finally), re-dyed black, and blue highlights added. I figure his head will look like a giant bruise. He went camping with his dad last weekend. His dad planned on them sleeping on an air mattress in the back of the pickup. KJ replied, "I'm a mountain man and a boy scout. All I need is my sleeping bag on the ground." I bought him a cot anyway.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Thank you

Thank you everybody for your supportive comments and emails. I really appreciate them.