Today, KJ and I had our final day of co-op for this school year. The drama group practiced the entire time since their competition is next Tuesday. I stayed outside to visit and help watch the younger kids. When one of the other moms showed up carrying a basket holding two puppies, I groaned inwardly. There is a reason I can not go to the animal shelter... I can't stand the thought of a homeless animal! The mom had adopted the momma dog from the animal shelter and the nursing puppies came along with her. Now that the pups were weaned, they needed a good home. One of the pups was very active, while the other preferred to snuggle, be held, and sleep. Guess which one I could not resist? David was in town so I called him to come check out the pup in person. (knowing full well he could not resist such a sweet face) The pics aren't great as I won't get my Photoshop back until my computer returns.
Meet Sam, our newest family member. He is 7 weeks old. (His eyes aren't blue. It's just the flash.)

Sam likes David, and David likes Sam.

Sam likes to sleep.


He gets VERY relaxed.
I hope you chose the snuggly one! He is just adorable! Wow! We may or may not be getting a puppy or two in the next few days! Someone at our house although she did not get fat, is leading milk! She has had all the symptoms of pregnancy but we assumed she was not because there is no obvious weight gain! I hope if she is she gets on with it by tomorrow though, Im off on holidays on Friday!
Anyhow guys, enjoy him, he looks just precious and so comfy in Davids arms! Can you give him a cuddle from me too? He looks so soft and fluffy! (The puppy I mean LOL)
Take care!
Ohhh.. how cute! I couldn't resist that little face. Of course, David's little face is cute too!!
Love you,
That little sweetie has Rottweiler inhim if I am not mistaken - he is such a good looking little pup. He knows where he is well offf doesn't he? So relaxed -he is obviously very happy with hs new family - he can relax and not worry any more!
Thanks for sharing
Oh, he's adorable! I cannot resist a cute puppy either.
It looks like he's REALLY settled in, LOL.
He looks JUST like our dog Sheba, I'll have to send you pics.
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