Remember Roscoe and how he and Curly are now our dogs, since the neighbors are moving? Well, this is Roscoe a few weeks ago. His long hair is matted and full of burrs. I took a pair of scissors to him to remove the mats and burrs, but...............he then looked like a 2-year-old who cut his own hair. I forgot to get a picture of that, but trust me, it was bad.

Today, Roscoe had his first-ever grooming appointment. He got the full treatment, and when we picked him up later, Roscoe was a whole new dog. He is MUCH cooler with his "start-over" haircut.

He looks so suave, but in his heart, he's still a country dog.
Much better! And he is very patriotic sporting his stars and stripes too!
Oh, he looks so handsome. In this heat, he needs less hair to hold him back. I love it when Baby Doggy gets all of his hair cut off too. It's much less stinky after a day of "rolling with the homies!"
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