Friday, August 15, 2008

busy week

Phew! This has been a busy week.

KJ and I participate in a homeschool, parent-taught co-op on Tuesdays during the school year. Well, it's that time of year again...planning time! Our co-op had been lead by a wonderful friend whom we have known since we started homeschooling. Wonderful friend is moving to Denver in a couple of weeks. :-( It's a good move for them, but we'll miss them lots. Wonderful friend listed all the things she did for co-op that we would need to take over. We divided up her duties among four people. It will take FOUR of us to do her job! I had no idea how much she actually did and feel a little guilty for not offering to help before. Anyway, one of her jobs that I took over was putting the schedule together. Holy cow, that was hard. I worked on it lots this week, and it was finished Wednesday night.

In addition to co-op stuff, I had to put together two podcasts for my preschool computer classes. The kids had created all the raw material. I just had to refine it a bit...this also took large amounts of time. Add in 3 play practices for KJ, a psychologist appt. for KJ, a doctor appt. for me, 2 trips to Dallas by David dealing with the situation that must not be discussed, 2 of the longest phone book routes (our Mon./Tues. job) we've had so far, a drum lesson for KJ, a co-op swimming party, my last preschool computer class of the summer, and KJ's driving test for his learner's permit; it has been a BUSY week...and my house is a wreck!

By the way, KJ did pass his driving test so he'll be on the roads now (with me or David in the passenger seat). I want him to have as much experience as possible before he gets his license. He has done well so far except for one misjudgement. I think we may have actually taken a turn on 2 wheels, or at least it felt like we did. I may have yelled a curse word and gulped so much air that I got the hiccups.

Next week, KJ buys his books for community college, gets his ID, and a parking sticker for my car. Oh my God! I think I'm going to have a panic attack! *deep breath*......*deep breath*....okay, I'm back.

I've been harrassing KJ about posting some trip pics. Maybe we'll finally have time this weekend. Oh wait. He is paintballing in the morning and has a play performance in the afternoon. Well, all we have on Sunday is Sammie's obedience class, maybe then.

Oh, I forgot something. We have new members of the family.
KJ got an aquarium for his room.
It houses a frog
and 2 fish.


Unknown said...

Now let me see if I have this correct: you have 3 dogs, 3 cats, 2 fish, 1 frog and 1 turtle? That's like having a housefull of kids at home! And KJ is learning to drive? Oh my! Get ready for the gray hair! LOL

Love you,

Rebel said...

and 7 hens and a rooster. I'm already getting gray hair.

MOM #1 said...

Yikes! You HAVE been busy!

I'll watch out for KJ on the roads. I don't have the patience to teach Baby Boy to drive, so . . . I may have to send him up to your place.

Rebel said...

Send him on up. Two couldn't be any worse than one, could they?