I bought a multi-colored rug, replaced his red metal frame twin bed with a full-size futon,and he has a silver foot locker for a coffee table. I'm making throw pillows for the futon, but haven't finished yet. He has his electronics stored in the foot locker.

I put storage spaces everywhere.

This is his TV and DVD area. (notice the storage bins)

He has a saucer chair and storage ottoman. I left all his stuff on the wall. He can take it down if he wants.

This is the other end of the futon, next to his closet.

I gave away his huge armoire and put all his clothes in the closet.

I made this curtain, but it doesn't hang very well. The material was a pain-in-the-a** to work with.
I also did the painting. An artist I'm not, but it matches the room.

This is the back of his door...more storage. David didn't think KJ would use this, but he loves it. It's for all those little doo-dads.

This is the back of his door...more storage. David didn't think KJ would use this, but he loves it. It's for all those little doo-dads.

KJ is thrilled with his new space. I told him he could paint if he wants. He is considering a checkerboard pattern with white and black squares on 1-2 walls.
WOW! It looks incredible, Rebel! WAY TO GO!
What an awesome room. I LOVE to paint. If y'all need any help, let me know and I'm on the way.
It looks like you made really good use of your child free time. Of course you spent it working on stuff for your child, but we're Moms, what else would we do? LOL.
Wow looks like a bachelor pad. Very grown up! And for the record your painting is very professional. Well done. Take a bow! xxxxx
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