Friday, November 14, 2008


TSTSNBD is not going well. Today, we got bad news with a teeny bit of good in it. The case will most likely not be resolved soon, and we are looking at setting a trial date.

Crap, crap, crappity, crap crap crap!


karisma said...

Try putting some positive thoughts into it! I know its hard but when we worry too much we can manifest our worst fears. If we concentrate on visualizing the positive outcomes things can become what we focus on! Try it, it costs nothing!

MOM #1 said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.

Think positive . . . I'll send you lots of good vibes . . . if you're a praying kind of gal . . . get down on your knees . . . just whatever you do . . . don't give up.

Good Luck!

Dy said...

Gah!! {{hugs}} Keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers. Call if you need primal scream therapy, or just a shoulder.