I just love the after-Halloween clearance sale. In addition to stockpiling candy, I picked up some dog costumes for $3 a piece, so we had a fashion show this evening. Sammie was a little bigger than I realized, so his costumes were too snug.
First, we tried to make Sammie a ladybug. Taylor was over and attempted to help me, as Sammie wasn't thrilled.

He REALLY did not like the hood.

Let me down!

You people, get away from me!!

"Awwww, this is much better. I feel more like a jack-o-lantern."

"This is me, totally me."

"I'm much happier when I get my own way."

Roscoe's turn was next. "I don't think I'm feeling like a devil."

"Do you have an angel, perhaps?"

"I don't have an angel, Roscoe, but how about a bumblebee?"
"Maybe.....no, I don't think I'm bee material."

"It is good to be king."

"This is sooooo me."

"I'll take my dinner now."

"Just wait a darn minute. I'M IN CHARGE AROUND HERE." (They didn't have any costumes in Curly's size.)

"How may I serve you, my queen?"

"I bow before you, Queen Curly."
"That's more like it."
I love the bee!!! Emily likes King/Queen Curly
That's so funny! They are so cute!
The dogs are sooo cute. I love the bubble bee and the queen outfits.
Too cute! I wish we could get cheap dog clothes down here! Ours are more like $50 and upwards. I tried a harness on Miko for the first time the other day, it was Bella's old one and it has little angel wings! She promptly threw herself over on her back trying to get it off! A bit like Sammie's picture up there! haha!
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