Friday, April 10, 2009

I'm feeling much better after throwing my fit. Everything will be over next Friday when the case is plead out.

I finally got the letter detailing my needed course work that Financial Aid requested. The director of graduate studies in Biology was very nice and helpful.


karisma said...

What? You threw a fit? I don't believe you!

Big hugs and smoochies to you all xxxoooxxx Thinking of you and sending happy loving vibes your way! Mwah

Unknown said...

Oh that girl can throw a fit! But this one was long overdue. I know she feels better after the yelling and crying. I'm just glad that whatever happens, it will be over! I'm still praying and God will do what He needs to do in the situation.

Cooper and Cason have kept me laughing all weekend!

Love you,

MOM #1 said...

Well I'm glad you got that out. I've been having mini-fits over the past few weeks . . . maybe I need to just go ahead and have a GREAT BIG ONE, LOL.