Saturday, April 4, 2009

Still here

I'm still here, just swamped. I had 35 hours of census training this past week which meant I had to do extra PCKidz classes the week before. I'm playing phone tag with the professor who is head of the graduate program in Biology. I can't move forward with the financial aid department until I get a letter from him stating the classes I'm taking will go towards entrance into the graduate program. I packed KJ off with assigned school work to different places all week so he wouldn't have to stay by himself everyday. My friends took him to MCC for me. Thank goodness for good friends. Work-wise, this week will be MUCH better since I get to make my own census hours. Unfortunately, David's pre-trial conference is this Thursday and I'm a nervous wreck. I feel like my stress levels are at their breaking point.

Good news - David got a raise at his new job. I'm going to be making enough at the census to finally get caught up on bills. I happened on a yard sale yesterday where I got the CUTEST clothes. I practically have a whole new summer wardrobe for $23. We found a tire place where we can get factory tires that were pulled off new cars when the buyer wanted a different kind. Yay! My car no longer pulls to the right or shimmies.


Unknown said...

You didn't tell me about the tire place. That takes a load off my mind. I've been so worried about you driving on bad tires! I'm having to dye my hair twice as often! LOL

Just give the pre-trial thing to God and don't worry. He is in charge anyway. Besides, I'll be worrying enough for both of us!

Love you,

karisma said...

Hooray for new beginnings and bargains! Glad things are looking up for you.

MOM #1 said...

Those garage sale bargains sound heavenly!

I'm sure you taking it all in stride with the situation at hand. Just pray on it and let it go . . . you can't change the outcome anyway.

I'll be thinking of you.

I'm so glad you don't live closer to me, since you'll be one of those census people. My family was chosen in 2000 . . . HATED IT!!!

Unknown said...

So glad to hear the hearing was canceled. This has to be a good thing, right?

Dad has gone to get the Ft. Worth grandboys. I needed some down time so I stayed here. He will be back tomorrow evening and the fun will begin!

Love you,