The Looney Bin is a fun-loving, homeschooling, chicken-raising, organic-eating, cat-loving, and free-thinking family.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Those aren't magazines I READ! I merchandise magazines at Wal-Mart and people of a certain religious persuasion flip them over, because the covers offend.
We were out of town as my stepdaughter had her baby shower yesterday (Sunday). She's due next month and is having twins, so I'm not sure if she'll make it that long. She's HUGE!!!
Mom #1 was supposed to be throwing it, but didn't plan food, games, prized, decorations or anything so we had to go early to get all the details ironed out.
What were y'all up to here in town? Did you have a good time? PLEASE let me know if y'all come back. I'd LOVE to get together!
That's a neat job you have, merchandising magazines. You'll have to let me know how one gets a gig like that. ;-)
Well, "Judge not . . ." and all that jazz. You never know. But I'd still love you just the same.
I can't believe I missed you this weekend!
We were out of town as my stepdaughter had her baby shower yesterday (Sunday). She's due next month and is having twins, so I'm not sure if she'll make it that long. She's HUGE!!!
Mom #1 was supposed to be throwing it, but didn't plan food, games, prized, decorations or anything so we had to go early to get all the details ironed out.
What were y'all up to here in town? Did you have a good time? PLEASE let me know if y'all come back. I'd LOVE to get together!
That's a neat job you have, merchandising magazines. You'll have to let me know how one gets a gig like that. ;-)
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