Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Thanks for the warm thoughts, everybody.

I'm still here, just busy getting KJ ready to leave for Alaska. Things are really okay here. I've just been in a mood lately...perimenopause sucks.


Unknown said...

Just wait until you hit REAL menopause! LOL

Love you,

karisma said...

What??? Theres REAL menopause! What do you mean Margaret???? I gets worse????

Rebel, don't fret my love, you just have the shits! Understandable right now! I love you! And so do lots of others. Don't worry! You will come through just fine. Now go outside and walk with those dogs. Its good for you.

Hugs to you and David both. Kiss kiss, hug hug.

Unknown said...

Sorry Karisma but yes, it gets worse! LOL Hormone replacement makes it manageable though! And not having that monthly cycle is great!


MOM #1 said...

Uh . . . I do not want to hear about this menopause crapola. I already had to live through my Mom's menopause (she turned into the Tasmanian Devil) and I was hoping I'd be one of those hip mom/grandma types that could just slide right into "the change" with no one noticing.

*SIGH* I guess that's just not how it works. I've got a few years. Not many, but a few.

I'm glad you're feeling better. Stay busy. It helps.