Friday, August 22, 2008

KJ's schooling for the 2008-2009 year

If you don't like to read about curriculum planning, please skip this post. I always post the school year plans to the blog for my family and so I'll have something to refer back to. I also used to post plans here so KJ's dad would know what we're doing for the year. Lately, however, he doesn't seem interested. According to KJ, his dad wants him to go to high school so he can have real world socialization. Apparently, going to community college with college-age kids, being a member of the Baylor fencing club with both college and high school age kids, participating in a co-op with kids whose ages range from 4-15, being an active member of his church youth group, playing in the youth band, and hopefully getting a part-time job at the grocery store, just isn't enough "real world" activity. Oh and let's not forget working three straight weeks as a Zoo Crew volunteer and a 32 day cross-country camping trip....definitely not in the real world. Apparently his dad, also wants to test KJ so he doesn't have to trust me when I tell him KJ is doing fine academically. KJ did fine on the ITBS test a couple of years ago and except for Math, he passed the entrance exams for the community college. After this semester, he should be able to pass the Math test also. Sorry, I'm just not understanding where his concerns are coming from.

A-n-y-w-a-y, here are our plans for this year.


History of American Music - McLennan Community College (MCC)

General Biology and lab - MCC

Ancient History - The History of the Ancient World, Inventions and Inventors, and a field trip to see the King Tut exhibit

Literature - The book of Job from the Bible

The Iliad - Homer

The Odyssey - Homer

The Republic - Plato

Oedipus Rex - Sophocles

Math - finish Algebra II with Beginning and Intermediate Algebra

Drama - Romeo and Juliet with co-op drama club

Art - co-op class

Government/The Election - co-op class

Fencing - Baylor fencing club

Music - weekly drum lesson

Spring: MCC stuff will depend on the Spring schedule

Some kind of applied music class - MCC

Contemporary Liberal Arts Math - MCC

History - continue on with ancients

Literature - Famous Men of Greece - John H. Haaren

Ethics - Aristotle

On the Nature of Things - Lucretius

Famous Men of Rome - John H. Haaren

Aeneid - Virgil

Greek Mythology - co-op class (taught by me)

Drama - A Midsummer Night's Dream - co-op drama club

Fencing - Baylor fencing club

Computer Science - movie making - co-op class


Unknown said...

I can tell you why KJ's Dad doesn't understand but I better not put it here! LOL The schedule sounds great until you get to Literature.. that sounds, well BORING! :) You know me though, I would much rather take a music class and some science stuff.

You know you are doing a great job with KJ's education. So just keep on with the way you are doing it.. he is a nice, well rounded young man.

Love you,

MOM #1 said...

That looks like a solid plan, much of it is way over my head, LOL. Maybe he can take a field trip down IH-35 and teach some co-op classes down here.

I don't know who had the balls to tell you that you aren't teaching him the right stuff (actually I don't believe in the right stuff, but that's a whole different blog post) but KJ sounds like a wonderfully gifted well-rounded son, and I'm sure that has everything to do with a dedicated and enthusiastic Mom.

Go, Girl!

Dy said...

Wow, things that make you go, "What the hell???" {{hugs}} I've so enjoyed watching your educational path with KJ unfold. The only thing I've noticed about his "socialization" is that... I don't get to travel that much! (but that's just envy, not an actual concern *grin*)

I think it looks like a spectacular year (and I'm so glad you posted your plans! I love these posts!) OK, except for Job. Job? Really? I dunno - not my favorite literature from the Bible. Then, I really only had one seminar on Job that I actually enjoyed - led by a history teacher who really pounded home the point that Job's buddies were obnoxious, annoying morons who just. didn't. get it. But as literature, I was going to ask about Song of Solomon... then I thought, you know, why encourage those hormones? Yeah, stick with Job's story. ;-)

And now, I'm thinking I should just email you instead of rambling on your blog, huh?

Love ya!!