Friday, October 31, 2008


KJ was a decomposing corpse or a person whose flesh is rotting off or something like that for Halloween this year. He wore a "latex appliance" instead of a mask, which meant it had to be stuck to his face with spirit gum, and the edges blended with liquid latex.

What ghoul is complete without his iPod in a skull case? Maybe they bring their own haunting music?

We also made a cut and a burn on one hand.

Not in focus for some reason.

He and his buddy, Taylor, looked so cute together, but don't ever tell them I said that.


karisma said...

WHAT???? IPOD????? Really what is this world coming to? Even the ghouls are using technology?????

MOM #1 said...

OOhhhh scarey!

GREAT costume!

Bridget said...

I love scary costumes and KJ's was great!