Friday, November 6, 2009

It's been so long that I don't know where to start.

Let's see, I left off with the impending test from hell. It went fine and I got a 'B,' which means I can still get an 'A' in the course. School-wise for me, things are going well. I have A's in all my other classes, did decent on the GRE, and am pretty sure I'll get into grad school for the spring. My mentor professor/advisor seems to think I won't have a problem.

School-wise for KJ, things are improving, but could still be better. After his father and I spoke to KJ's psychologist, we agreed to try KJ on a prescription med for his ADD, for this transistional time anyway. Meanwhile, KJ will work with his psychologist on organizational skills. KJ had his first dose yesterday and said it helped tremendously. He felt much more relaxed and focused.

Social-wise for KJ, he is in a new band. I believe it is "death-core metal" or something like that. It's loud and has a screamer. Thank goodness, they do not practice at my house! The other young men seem nice enough and were gracious enough to not smoke around KJ or even in their cars with the windows down. Of course, KJ had not bothered to tell them this...I finally called the main guy up after listening to KJ's cough get progressively worse. He felt bad that he had not known it was an issue for KJ and things have been fine ever since. KJ had a girl he liked be a total bitch, and say some really mean and uncalled for things to him. Seriously, I have NEVER heard of a girl treating someone this way. Times have changed. I went into mama-bear mode and it took everything I had not to call the little hussy up and take a piece out of her 17 year-old behind with my 40 year-old foot.

On the home front, the house is currently a disaster area that only seems to stay clean for an hour before the dishes start piling back up and everything becomes coated with a layer of dog hair.
Work-wise, things got nuts right after Halloween with me working a total of 11 hours last Sunday, taking down Halloween and putting up Christmas. I alternately hate and love my job depending on when you ask.

Dog-wise, I am also battling some kind of mutant fleas that refuse to die. I've just about poisoned myself along with my dogs and they just keep coming back. It would take a whole other blog post to describe putting on my bathing suit and giving Sammie and Curly a shower to try and make sure I got all the flea shampoo off. I always have a hard time getting their undersides so I held them up in the shower. Neither one liked it at all. The most recent flea battle plan is respraying the yard, the dogs got Frontline yesterday since the last topical stuff (Bio-Spot) did not work, and I've sprayed the carpet and Curly's bed with a different flea spray. I had been dusting them and the bedding with something that I've forgotten the name of, but it did not work. They both had a flea bath 3 days ago and I can't bath them again for a week to give the Frontline time to spread through their system.

A couple of weeks ago, a pit bull broke into the back yard by ripping the chain link away from the frame and pushing it up to make a dog-size hole. It attacked Sammie and charged at me. I called the police who came out and waited for animal control. The dog left while he was waiting so the officer followed him, but lost him down an alley. Animal control thinks he was trying to get to Curly. She has been spayed, but he said female dogs could still put out an odor. Who knows? A man came up as they were leaving and spoke to both officers. I think it was the dog owner. Either way, the dog has not been back. Sammie had a pretty good puncture wound on his head, but has recovered fine and the landlord fixed the hole in the fence. I still have a large walking stick and a sword by the back door in case the dog shows back up.

I have to head to class so ta-ta for now.


Anonymous said...

I am glad things are going okay for you. I always worry for you. I hate to see bad things happen to GOOD people. As far as ADD medicine I would not live without it, darrin wouldn't either,he can really feel the difference. I think as long as it's not abused like so many people do then it can help sooooooooooo much!

MOM #1 said...

I'm glad the medicine is working for KJ.

It sounds like your really doing all right. Hectic, but good. I hope that's how it feels for you too. That's how it reads.

I'm going back to school in the spring. You're my inspiration, so maybe we can whine and bitch together once I get bogged down and want to quit. That should happen around the second day, because I'm so bad about doing anything that is too hard.

Take care!

karisma said...

Those pitbulls can be quite vicious! One attacked my Bella a couple of years back, it jumped a six foot fence. I think eventually it was put down as it attacked several other dogs AND killed a couple of cats. What is really sad is that people associate Staffys with them, when staffys are generally placid. I hope it does not attack again.

Had to giggle at you going after the nasty girl. You are too funny!