At Animal Care we got to see, touch, and learn about a variety of animals. The pictures below are just a few of them.
This is me and a 7 foot Burmese Python. It is not full grown.
After Animal Care, we had lunch as usual. I think it was chicken tenders and a piece of chocolate cake that was extremely rich. After lunch we had our review, which I learned to hate. After that we went to see 4D Pirates which is not as cool as it sounds. After that, went to see the Clydesdales which were awesome! For those of you who do not know, a Clydesdale is a very large horse that originated from Scotland in the mid 18th century. The harness the Clydesdales use to pull the Anheuser Busch wagon costs about $80,000. It was a very expensive harness. To qualify for one of the traveling hitches, an Anheuser Busch Clydesdale must be a gelding, at least 4 years of age, 18 hands (6 ft.), weigh 1800-2000 lbs., bay in color, 4 white stocking feet, a blaze of white on its face, and a black mane and tail.
After the Clydesdales, we got to go shopping and I got some ice cream with my buddy. After that, we went to see the ski show, the coolest show ever. The ski show consists of lots of old and new music while watching professional water skiers, jet skiers, wake boarders, barefoot skiers, and boat drivers do awesome tricks and stunts on the water.

KJ, It sounds like you had an awesome time. What an incredible experience.
HOw cool is that! I love Clydesdales - they're beautiful.
It sounds like an awesome time so far KJ!
Wow, what a fantastic experience! But honestly, probably one I couldn't ever do. I looked at the gator-y/caymen-y thing and thought, "wow, it'd be a LOT more out of focus if that was me taking the picture, just from the trembling and bolting for the door" and the Clydesdales? All I could think was, "Do you KNOW what one good kick would do?" Wow. It's a good thing they're relatively docile. Wow. Just. Wow.
But I *am* having SO Much Fun reading about the adventures. From a safe distance. :-) Thanks for posting about it! Have a great week!
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