We got to the aquarium and were waiting for our guide. During that time, we looked at the shark exhibit. We also looked at the stingray exhibit. Our guide, who's name was Frank, was going to show us the behind the scene aquarium. He told us that he had a meeting to go to, but it would only last about 30 minutes. We went through his meeting room into another room, and as we were going through I noticed that there were two cakes, but I thought nothing of it. We were standing around a big metal table when Frank brought out a big plastic bag about a foot and a half high. He opened it up and dumped a HUGE pile of clams onto the table. He said, "I want ya'll to clean all these clams out and make a new pile. Ya'll want gloves?" Our counselor said that we didn't need gloves, we could just use our hands. I would later regret not having gloves. Frank went to his meeting room and shut the door. For those who do not know, these clams were icky, nasty, and smelly. I got to work pulling the clams open and pulling out the icky brown stuff. After a while the smell started to make me nauseous. Later Frank came out and helped us for about 30 more minutes, and then we were through. As we went back into the meeting room to wash our hands, I noticed that the cakes had been completely demolished. And then Frank showed us behind the exhibits. Frank was interesting...we were looking down upon one of the coral reef tanks and Frank said, "Ya'll see that coral over there?" We were like, "Yeah." And he said, "Ya'll see that coral over there," and we were like, "Yeah." Then he said, "Do you think they look like the same type?" We were like, "Yeah." He said, "It's because they are."
Frank repeated that same scenario several times with various fish. We did learn a lot from Frank, but it was really difficult to stay awake when he was talking, even when standing up.
Frank took us outside behind the scenes where we got to see some more sharks and touch the bamboo shark.
After we petted the bamboo shark, we got to pet and feed the stingrays from our hands.
That evening we had dinner after watching the reef talk at the aquarium. Then we had our evening activities where we went to the park and we played volleyball, soccer, and catch the flag.
That is the coolest shark picture ever!
KJ, we're thoroughly enjoying your updates!
We had a guide like that at one of the caverns, here. He was so bent on being "funny" that he became somewhat difficult to follow. We did learn a lot, though, and the key is to learn what you can - everybody has something they can teach us.
Beautiful photos!!
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