Saturday, September 29, 2007
Child abusers coming to Killeen
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Drum store
First, a little background - Waco only has three music instrument stores. We'll call them stores A, B, and C. Store A caters specifically to schools and only supplies marching bands and school orchestras. Store B is partially owned by Ted Nugent and mostly carries speakers, amps, mixing boards, and other electronic stuff. It also has an archery range upstairs. I'll occasionally buy drumsticks there, but that's all. Store C is probably the most well-rounded of the three carrying a little bit of everything, but their prices are outrageous, and their customer service is least towards drummers, anyway. Consequently, we buy nearly all KJ's drum equipment online. This works okay, but it would be nice to try stuff out before you buy, be able to get something without waiting for it to be shipped, and we have accidentally ordered the wrong part before.
A couple of weeks ago David and I were listening to positively awful poetry (it was open mic night) at Beatnix when I noticed an ad in the City Review. It was for a new music store called Drums and More Music. The address was on 19th St., but since that street practically crosses all of Waco we weren't sure where it was located. I kept the ad and had been meaning to go check out the store when I had time. A few days ago, KJ and I had several errands to run so I told him we would find the store. I called the number listed in the ad and asked where they were located. The man who answered gave me the address (which I already had), so I asked what they were near so I would know which part of 19th St. they were on. He asked me if I knew where Kelly's Bar B'Que was. I had a vague image of passing it so I at least knew the general area he was talking about, so I told him that I thought I knew where it was. Then he asked me if I knew where 19th St. Liquor was. Ummmmm, I'm assuming on 19th St., but no, I didn't recall ever seeing it. He said they were behind the liquor store. I asked what cross street was near. He said, "Reuter," and I told him that I could find it. KJ and I were off.
We headed down 18th St. (it eventually runs into the business part of 19th) towards the area in which I used to teach, which incidentally is in the "hood." We eventually passed Kelly's Bar B'Que, but I didn't see any drum store yet. When we crossed Reuters, I asked KJ if he saw anything yet. Nope, neither of us saw anything looking like a drum store. That's when I realized that 18th hadn't merged with 19th yet. We needed to move over a block. We turned around a little further down, got on 19th St. and looked for Reuter again. Uh, KJ...this doesn't look like a good neighborhood. This isn't it. (Note: I took the pics later.)
Here? Nope, not to Reuter yet.
Maybe I should just stop for a drink...
Oh crap, we just crossed Reuters and I was talking instead of looking. Another U-Turn. Oh, Oh, there's 19th St. Liquor. We must be close.
I backed up and we looked down one side of the store (from inside the car). We didn't see anything and no way, were we going to walk down that alley.
I pulled forward and turned to look on the other side. Does that small sign say "Music?"
I turned on the side street to get a better look. Yep, that's what it said.
By this time, I was pretty sure we were not getting out of the car. What's that back there? The sign says "Drums and More Music."
So did this sign.
We pulled over to discuss the situation. I got my cell phone ready, and we got out of the car. We stepped around the trash, being careful of the crumbling parking lot, and gingerly made our way towards the entrance. There are apartments above the stores and the outside stairway was littered with beer bottles and trash. The door to the drum store was open and we stepped inside. It was a garage, concrete walls, one of which was painted purple, and a concrete floor. There was one of those HUGE box fans to my left, brand new drum sets and cymbals everywhere, a gong to my right, and an aging rocker hippie with a grey beard almost to his navel, sitting in the corner eating a corn dog and reading one of Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake books. Being the proud owner of an Anita Blake Fan Club T-shirt, I relaxed some. He hopped up and instantly put us at ease. He's a drummer who wanted to fill a need for a drum store with very little overhead.
He and KJ talked. KJ played on different drums and cymbals, and they discussed drum heads. I had not really intended to buy anything, but I had been meaning to get KJ new cymbals for awhile. Drum man had layaway so I put a cymbal pack in layaway, and he let KJ take the high-hats HOME even though I obviously haven't finished paying for them yet. Also, on our way out the door, he handed KJ a new pair of drum sticks and said to see how he liked them.
I told KJ this was a good example of not judging a book by its cover.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
I'm healthy
On other fronts, my "teaching computer classes in pre-schools" job is going well. I teach every Friday morning while KJ is in co-op. Those little 3-4 year-olds are just precious! I also teach every Wednesday morning, but I'm only gone a couple of hours.
David had his last day of docent training at the zoo today. Now he just has to shadow 6 activities and he's officially a docent. I'm started to get concerned about Petunia the opossum. Her tail is still infected so she started another 14 days of oral antibiotics and antibiotic ointment on her tail. The vet also increased her diet which made Petunia VERY happy. I'm just worried this is the beginning of a downward spiral in her health. Opossums only live about 3 years in captivity and she is on her last year. *sniffle*
KJ's Chemistry class at co-op has turned out to be more work than either of us anticipated. Apparently co-op is just to do the labs, with the rest of the work being done at home. It's a good thing I worked my way through college as a lab tech for an industrial petroleum chemical company.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
test day
Then we saw the actual neurologist who asked a few more questions, prescribed some meds, discussed the abnormal MRI, and ordered some tests. Incidentally the "thing" on my brain is probably nothing, but they want to watch it, so I have to have another MRI in January. We were sent across the street to the hospital for an EKG and a heart monitor which just makes an oh, so lovely fashion statement. It hangs from my neck in a pouch that sits right on top of the middle of my breasts making me look like I have some strange growth. (Its under my shirt.)
Today, I have to return to the hospital to turn in the heart monitor and have an echo cardiogram done. Then I go over to the neurologist's office for an EEG. I already asked if any of these tests involved a claustrophobic tube and they don't. (except for January's MRI, of course)
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
KJ is fighting Millsaps/Montuss here.
Doesn't he look cute here? Feel free to pop him with your staff, D'Anne.
KJ and Montuss.
Hey, hey, hey! That's my baby you're swinging that sword at! Thank goodness, KJ isn't using the real swords yet. A wrong hit from a wooden sword and you'll bruise. A wrong hit from a real sword and you'll need stitches.
My sister, Staci, and her two girls, McKenzie and Emily, came out to watch. Emily was terrified at first. The guy in the above pic, Jim, nearly scared Emily to death. She was actually shaking. Montuss, however, wasn't nearly as scarey.
Getting to hold KJ's foil made everything just fine.
KJ was hot and tired towards the end.
I took LOTS of pictures and videos. You can see the rest of them here.
Oh, I forgot to mention that with the exception of boots, belt, and gloves; I made the rest of KJ's garb....and that I stayed up until 1:30am Friday night finishing...and that I had to get up at 5:15am so we could get to Harley-Davidson on time...and that it was my birthday. I really love my son.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Welcome back, Eric!
This is Carson's Aunt Amanda. She spoils him rotten.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Another contest.
The priza is a $100 gift card to My Little Piggy's. When I checked out the store, I liked many of their products, but my favorites were these Mary Jane socks.
I'm STILL trying to write a cross stitch poem for Karisma and Kids.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Calling all poets
Monday, September 3, 2007
Taylor catches a snake (again)
Taylor flushed him back down and the snake slithered into the other pen where Taylor finally got him by the tail.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
KJ's dad, my ex-husband, and I have been getting along okay for a couple of years now. We've both been flexible with scheduling, dropping off, picking up, etc. HOWEVER, he's back into dieting for a bodybuilding contest. KJ is with him this weekend through the holiday tomorrow. I was looking through the newspaper sales ads this evening, and saw that Kohl's is having a 60% off sale on jeans today and tomorrow. KJ just told me last week that he would like to start wearing jeans (after three years of wind pants), so I was thrilled about the sale. I called KJ to see if they had plans for tomorrow and he said they did not. I told him about the sale and asked if we could borrow him for ONE HOUR to go try on jeans. His dad said, "no."
KJ's dad, who is supposed to provide KJ with clothing for his house, but KJ has to pack a suitcase for every visit. KJ's dad, who is supposed to drop KJ off and pick KJ up from my house, but who I usually meet in town so it's closer for him, if I don't take KJ all the way to his dad's house myself. He won't let KJ come try on jeans for one friggin hour. It wouldn't bother me so much if he EVER bought KJ shorts or jeans himself. I'm going to just buy some in the size I think KJ wears now, and exchange them if needed. (You know, in all that free time I have next week.)
We start our "new" school year next week.
There have been a few changes from last year to this year. Probably the biggest is that I will be working part-time. I'm working for a friend's company teaching computer classes at preschools three mornings a week. Wednesdays look like they may be only an hour or two. Thursdays and Fridays will be about three hours of teaching. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, KJ will be expected to get up, get showered and dressed, fix himself breakfast, and do some of his "by himself" work like Latin and reading. I'll always be home by noon at the absolute latest, most likely earlier so we'll have time for the "mom-taught" subjects then. On Fridays, David will take KJ to co-op before heading to work and I'll pick up KJ afterwards.
Another change is that we've joined another co-op where I'll be teaching Human Anatomy. The last change is that fencing will only be once a week. We'll be busy, but it's doable.
Monday - Home until 3:00, Fencing from 3:30-5:00
Tuesday - Families Learning Together Co-op 9:30-12:30 (we have lunch there), Home the rest of the day
Wednesday - Me at work until noon, Home until KJ leaves with his dad at 5:30 with drum lesson (at house) 2:30-3:30
Thursday - Me at work until noon, Home noon-3:00, Latin tutor (her house) 3:30-4:30
Friday - Me at work while KJ has Brazos Valley Co-op until 12:45, Home the rest of the day
In other news, David and I have both changed our diets. We're eating low-fat and have cut most processed foods. We used to eat this way, but life got busy and our eating habits went down hill. If I DON'T eat low-fat, my gall bladder gives me fits causing pain and puking. I saw the surgeon Friday and it is supposed to come out Oct. 1.
I'm going to attempt to remove a large Rat snake from under my chicken's box this evening so I may have pictures later. It really depends if David (who is terrified of snakes) will stay outside and take pictures.