Okay, my friend, Kathy, asked when I was going to blog again since I've been missing-in-action. Of course, I talk to Kathy everyday so it's not like anything has happened that she doesn't know about.
*waving at Kathy*
Let's see...what have I been up to? Hmmm, apparently life has been boring, thank goodness, because I'm drawing a blank here. Tuesday before last, I had the migraine from hell, which lasted through Wednesday evening. I tried EVERYTHING I could think of, home remedies, massage, and strong drugs, but nothing helped. I refused to have another $600 ER visit for a shot so my doc prescribed a drug in addition to my normal one to see if it would knock out the headache. It did.
David and I have been fighting so much lately due to repercussions from TSTSNBD that I contemplated leaving him. Since then, I've decided to look on the bright side, be thankful for what I have, and stop worrying. Our marriage needs time to heal. It's been a good two days so far. Hopefully, I can keep it up.
David and I met some friends for Thanksgiving dinner at a local restaurant and had a wonderful meal. The best part was nobody had to cook or clean up. KJ was supposed to have Thanksgiving with his stepmom's family, but the great-grandmother is in the hospital so they had Thanksgiving dinner at the hospital cafeteria. Now, I have to say that this cafeteria has excellent food! We stop in there to eat sometimes when we're in the area. Please keep KJ's great-grandmother, Me-Me, in your prayers.
Remember the tent KJ was sleeping in? He has moved back in to his bedroom now so I took over the tent. No, I'm not sleeping out there, but it is a relaxing place to meditate, read, or journal. Yes, I've created the clubhouse I always wanted as a child. Yes, it's odd, but those who know me in real life also know that is pretty much me. I'll take pictures of the interior later.
KJ and I went to see MCC's production of
Romeo and Juliet last Thursday. Our co-op is performing an abridged modern version on Dec. 12th. We both really enjoyed the play and KJ said it was very helpful for his own acting. He was Tybalt, but the director has switched him to Paris due to KJ's flirting skill.
Sammie got in BIG trouble yesterday. On Wednesday evening, I bought a pecan pie from a church bake sale outside the grocery store. David and I both had a piece that night. It was soooo good. The pie was in a large ziploc bag on the kitchen counter. After dropping David at work yesterday evening, I came home to find that Sammie had gotten the baggie down, torn it open, and eaten a large quantity of pie. I spanked him with the pie pan.