Monday, March 17, 2008

Catch-up time

Wow, working 40 hours a week away from the house sure put a damper on my regularly scheduled activities like blogging, housework, reading blogs, cleaning Fred's tank, and Toontown. For those of you who don't remember, I was working Zoo Camp last week. I was actually getting paid to do that so I kind of had to be there everyday, as opposed to just picking and choosing as a volunteer. Anyway, great fun was had by all including KJ who helped out Mon., Wed., and Fri. Tuesday was co-op followed by hanging out with his girlfriend and Thursday, he went to Six Flags with his dad.

Speaking of KJ, he is having a medical issue so please send him some positive energy or pray. I'll update more after I talk to the doctor today. Meanwhile, KJ is on a camping trip in West Texas and Big Bend with the Fort Smith Mountain Men. Actually, let me consult his they are at Fort Davis State Park. They will hike into Fort Davis and tonight, visit the McDonald Observatory for a star party.

David and I have both come down with either a chest cold or horrible allergies. We're both blowing out snot or coughing up snot. Oh, get this. I was perfectly healthy Mon. - Wed. On Thursday morning, I rolled over in bed and snot ran out my nose. That's a wonderful wake-up call. My eyes were puffy and my nose was pouring. I did not blow dry my hair and since the wind was blowing hard, you can imagine what it eventually looked like. I was at camp leading the darling children in a wonderful learning experience (in between sneezes). We had just left the Butterfly Garden and were going into the Ranch House so I could do an animal presentation on the Burmese Python. The Education Coordinator and some guy with a camera were already in the Ranch House. Camera guy asks me to "put this on before you get the snake out," and hands me a wireless mike. Ummm, why? For the "Back to the Wild" show on the city cable channel. What??!! The Education Curator and Coordinator FORGOT to tell me that the city's cable channel would be filming that day. I looked like death warmed over. Oh well, it won't air until November and hopefully I will have forgotten all about it by then.


Dy said...

Oh, no! What an unpleasant surprise! I'm sure you did a great job, though, and what fun to become a local celeb! ;-)

karisma said...

Oh poor you! I hope you all feel better soon! Don't worry about the show! It's all about keepin' it real! I bet you were just great!