Heeeeere I come to save the daaay! Suuupermom is on her waaay! For the record, I never stand like this.

David will now lay hands on KJ to exorcise the demon.

My turn to try and heal my poor son.

Maybe if we both lay hands on him, it will work. Leave this child, Satan. Leave him!

Hurry up and take the damn picture. My back is killing me.

This looks like someone's idea of an acid trip. Whoaaa, I'm getting dizzy.

I think the rest are pretty decent once KJ's glasses glare is removed. The next two are the same shot, one is bronze and the other sepia.

This is one of my favorites.

*sniffle* My baby turns 15 next week.

*sigh* I'm going to cry now. KJ can not possibly be this big.

Boy, my legs are short. Can I please have a shorter stool?

It's GQ David.

Are we good-looking or what?

Yes Mom, I ordered lots of prints. You're getting an 8 x 10 of this one and several 5 x 7's of others.