Well, he only slept in it the first day. We now use it to store his toys. He also likes the cat toy with the ball in the ring. (I know these pictures are awful. I would like to just say once again that I despise Kodak Easyshare and can hardly wait for the return of my Photoshop.)
Like most babies, however, Sammie prefers to spread his toys everywhere. Yes, that drumstick is his. I took these pictures last week and he has actually acquired a few more toys since then.
If you're wondering where he sleeps...look at that yawn.
Looking sleepy...
...and 3 and half minutes later, he's out. That would be David's side of the bed.
On a completely different subject, remember Taylor? He was over visiting yesterday afternoon and helpfully caught this rat snake. It was in the chicken coop eating eggs. He took it with him to release it elsewhere. I'm nearly positive this is the same snake I was dragging down the driveway by his tail 2 weeks ago. Oh, I think I forgot to tell you that story. To make a long story short, the snake was beside the house. I got it by the tail and started running down the driveway backwards pulling it along. My goal was to get it into the woods across the street, but the snake turned to strike at me so I swung it around by its tail and sent it flying into the side yard. The snake took off up a tree before I could get to it again. Anyway, Taylor took it home with him, intending to release it today. He called this morning and the snake had escaped in his garage. Taylor's mother will have a heart attack.

We got some news today about that subject I can't discuss. For those of you who pray, June 10 will be an important day for us.

Consider it done!
I shall also be praying for Taylors Mum, my god, I would just die! No way would I drag a snake by the tail, my goodness what were you thinking? Eeek! Eeek! And double Eeek!
Sammie is very cute! I love the sleeping position, typical male. So glad he chose the right side of the bed! LOL! Im sure he loves his own bed that you got him, youll see, he will eat it any day now!
Hugs xxxx
As I have said many times before, the only good snake is a DEAD snake!
Sammie has really grown! Your Dad usually sleeps on the futon now because Jasper the Schnauzer has taken his side of the bed! LOL
Love you,
PS Will be praying about June 10. I'm sure you will let me know how things turn out.
ROFL I keep replaying the vision of you swinging a snake by its tail into the yard and it's making me LOL over here! You are too much!
I will definately be praying Rebel, for all of you. ({({({(hugs)})})})}
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