Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dog pics

What do dogs do when it is hot and muggy outside? They come inside, of course. I promise my kitchen floor really doesn't look that dirty in person.

Curly doesn't care to play much, but Roscoe is usually up for a game of tug of war with Sammie. Roscoe makes up for his size with sheer determination.

Friday, August 22, 2008

KJ's schooling for the 2008-2009 year

If you don't like to read about curriculum planning, please skip this post. I always post the school year plans to the blog for my family and so I'll have something to refer back to. I also used to post plans here so KJ's dad would know what we're doing for the year. Lately, however, he doesn't seem interested. According to KJ, his dad wants him to go to high school so he can have real world socialization. Apparently, going to community college with college-age kids, being a member of the Baylor fencing club with both college and high school age kids, participating in a co-op with kids whose ages range from 4-15, being an active member of his church youth group, playing in the youth band, and hopefully getting a part-time job at the grocery store, just isn't enough "real world" activity. Oh and let's not forget working three straight weeks as a Zoo Crew volunteer and a 32 day cross-country camping trip....definitely not in the real world. Apparently his dad, also wants to test KJ so he doesn't have to trust me when I tell him KJ is doing fine academically. KJ did fine on the ITBS test a couple of years ago and except for Math, he passed the entrance exams for the community college. After this semester, he should be able to pass the Math test also. Sorry, I'm just not understanding where his concerns are coming from.

A-n-y-w-a-y, here are our plans for this year.


History of American Music - McLennan Community College (MCC)

General Biology and lab - MCC

Ancient History - The History of the Ancient World, Inventions and Inventors, and a field trip to see the King Tut exhibit

Literature - The book of Job from the Bible

The Iliad - Homer

The Odyssey - Homer

The Republic - Plato

Oedipus Rex - Sophocles

Math - finish Algebra II with Beginning and Intermediate Algebra

Drama - Romeo and Juliet with co-op drama club

Art - co-op class

Government/The Election - co-op class

Fencing - Baylor fencing club

Music - weekly drum lesson

Spring: MCC stuff will depend on the Spring schedule

Some kind of applied music class - MCC

Contemporary Liberal Arts Math - MCC

History - continue on with ancients

Literature - Famous Men of Greece - John H. Haaren

Ethics - Aristotle

On the Nature of Things - Lucretius

Famous Men of Rome - John H. Haaren

Aeneid - Virgil

Greek Mythology - co-op class (taught by me)

Drama - A Midsummer Night's Dream - co-op drama club

Fencing - Baylor fencing club

Computer Science - movie making - co-op class

Sunday, August 17, 2008

1st day of school for Sammie

Today was Sammie's first day of dog training class. He did really well! Yes, I'm suprised. I had actually asked if it were possible to flunk when I signed him up. KJ took these pictures.
This is where Sammie sat most of the time.
Here is Sammie doing something he is not supposed to. Notice how I'm ignoring him which is what I'M supposed to do.
Here he is again on me with me ignoring him.
Here I am doing the cradle massage which shows I'm dominant. I'm supposed to hold him until he relaxes.
Here he is relaxed.

E's play

Wonderful friend who is moving to Denver (mentioned below) has 2 children (and a husband). The oldest, a girl we'll call E, has always dreamed of directing a play. She and her mom have been in several plays at our local theater plus the ones in co-op. E took a storybook and made it into a play. She called several friends, including KJ, had a planning meeting, scheduled practices, and recruited a mom (who happens to direct the co-op plays) to help with costumes. Due to time constraints, the play had to be short so they could do it with only a week of practice. They performed the play yesterday. I thought it was very cute. E worked really hard and achieved her dream.

This is the cast. E is in the middle in the black and white dress. KJ is the tall one with the hat.

These are the two villians, Odious Mole (KJ), and Bad Egg Bat (R).

Here is the play. "Aunt Isabel Tells a Good One" adapted from the book by Kate Duke

Friday, August 15, 2008

busy week

Phew! This has been a busy week.

KJ and I participate in a homeschool, parent-taught co-op on Tuesdays during the school year. Well, it's that time of year again...planning time! Our co-op had been lead by a wonderful friend whom we have known since we started homeschooling. Wonderful friend is moving to Denver in a couple of weeks. :-( It's a good move for them, but we'll miss them lots. Wonderful friend listed all the things she did for co-op that we would need to take over. We divided up her duties among four people. It will take FOUR of us to do her job! I had no idea how much she actually did and feel a little guilty for not offering to help before. Anyway, one of her jobs that I took over was putting the schedule together. Holy cow, that was hard. I worked on it lots this week, and it was finished Wednesday night.

In addition to co-op stuff, I had to put together two podcasts for my preschool computer classes. The kids had created all the raw material. I just had to refine it a bit...this also took large amounts of time. Add in 3 play practices for KJ, a psychologist appt. for KJ, a doctor appt. for me, 2 trips to Dallas by David dealing with the situation that must not be discussed, 2 of the longest phone book routes (our Mon./Tues. job) we've had so far, a drum lesson for KJ, a co-op swimming party, my last preschool computer class of the summer, and KJ's driving test for his learner's permit; it has been a BUSY week...and my house is a wreck!

By the way, KJ did pass his driving test so he'll be on the roads now (with me or David in the passenger seat). I want him to have as much experience as possible before he gets his license. He has done well so far except for one misjudgement. I think we may have actually taken a turn on 2 wheels, or at least it felt like we did. I may have yelled a curse word and gulped so much air that I got the hiccups.

Next week, KJ buys his books for community college, gets his ID, and a parking sticker for my car. Oh my God! I think I'm going to have a panic attack! *deep breath*......*deep breath*....okay, I'm back.

I've been harrassing KJ about posting some trip pics. Maybe we'll finally have time this weekend. Oh wait. He is paintballing in the morning and has a play performance in the afternoon. Well, all we have on Sunday is Sammie's obedience class, maybe then.

Oh, I forgot something. We have new members of the family.
KJ got an aquarium for his room.
It houses a frog
and 2 fish.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

KJ's muisic room

I did another room while KJ was gone. Previously, his drums were in an open DOOR-LESS, uncarpeted area that would have been the dining room. Do you know how freaking loud it was when he played?!

Anyway, this room used to be David's computer room. His desk is now across from mine in the living room. The room is now KJ's music room. He has been working in there, running wires to speakers everywhere, so it's a little messy.

This is a terrible pic, but the sign says "Danger: Ear Protection Required." The thing hanging from the door knob is a cat toy.

I put foam on the door to help absorb sound.

This is the view from the doorway.

I put foam on the wall too. The poster is this one.

Here is the keyboard corner.

Another bad pic, but you can view this print here.

KJ's computer desk is also in here. He plays along with music from the laptop. You can barely see his guitar over in the guitar. This is the large poster.

The painting is one we got at a thrift store years ago. It used to hang in the living room. KJ loves this room even more than his bedroom.

Attack of the Killer Allergies

I've always had bad pollen and mold allergies, but upon moving to Waco, the allergy capital, they've gotten worse. I've tried shots, netty pot, Simply Saline, nose sprays, and numerous meds. The sinus surgery helped everything drain better so I rarely get a sinus infection, but the allergies themselves are still bad. A couple of weeks ago, however, I had a REALLY bad reaction to something. I had been outside, but can't narrow it down more than that. My legs had started to itch and then the constant sneezing started, quickly followed by my eyes tearing and swelling. I took a Benadryl and hopped in the shower in an attempt to wash whatever was killing me off. The drainage got so bad I was choking on it, my throat started closing, and I started to wheeze. David brought me two more Benadryl and was ready to haul me to ER. I stalled him to give the Benadryl time to work. I was improving in about an hour and better within 3. My chest was sore the next day and we discussed getting an Epi-pen.

I was kind of hoping this reaction was a fluke, but it happened again last night minus the wheezing and closing throat. Upon my exiting the shower THIS time, my darling husband who was lying on the couch watching television said, "Honey bunny, could you make me a sandwich?" My head nearly exploded, but I did make him a sandwich. Anyway,this is what I looked like when he asked me.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

KJ's new room

One of the things I did to keep from going crazy while KJ was gone was to redo his bedroom (on a budget). The main colors are black, gray/silver, and magenta/hot pink. The only furniture that stayed was his bookshelf and I painted it black.

I bought a multi-colored rug, replaced his red metal frame twin bed with a full-size futon,and he has a silver foot locker for a coffee table. I'm making throw pillows for the futon, but haven't finished yet. He has his electronics stored in the foot locker.

I put storage spaces everywhere.

This is his TV and DVD area. (notice the storage bins)

He has a saucer chair and storage ottoman. I left all his stuff on the wall. He can take it down if he wants.

This is the other end of the futon, next to his closet.

I gave away his huge armoire and put all his clothes in the closet.

I made this curtain, but it doesn't hang very well. The material was a pain-in-the-a** to work with.
I also did the painting. An artist I'm not, but it matches the room.

This is the back of his door...more storage. David didn't think KJ would use this, but he loves it. It's for all those little doo-dads.
KJ is thrilled with his new space. I told him he could paint if he wants. He is considering a checkerboard pattern with white and black squares on 1-2 walls.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

KJ is back

KJ is back! I picked him up in Georgetown Thursday afternoon. I'll admit that I teared up when the bus pulled in with boys hanging out the windows waving and yelling. Most of the boys on this trip were 14-16 years old, but every single one came off the bus, headed straight for their mother, and have her a big hug. KJ actually slammed into me so hard he nearly knocked me over. :-) He talked non-stop the entire way to Cooperas Cove where David was working. We had a late lunch with David where KJ continued to talk, and then he talked all the way home. *happy sigh* My baby is back! His camera broke half-way through the trip, but he still had lots of pictures. I'll post some along with his stories when he gets back fron his dad's.

I would have blogged all this sooner, but the computer crashed Friday morning. I have a new one now.