When I was in my first semester of college, I bought a Red-Eared Slider turtle. It was $5 and about the size of a quarter. Years later, I realized that the turtle had been sold illegally, but I was ignorant of all that at the time. Anyway, I named the turtle Mac and we lived happily ever after for about 6 years. Mac would let me scratch his head when he basked, swam to the top of the tank to greet me when I came into the room and loved earthworms. When Mac was about 5 and a half, he was soooo big that I moved him to an outdoor pond (bathtub I sunk in the ground). He escaped within the week and was never seen or heard from again.
It took 15 years, but I finally got over the loss and now we have..................FRED!

He is one good-looking turtle. I love his shell.

Isn't he adorable?!
Very good looking. Now don't go leaving him outside will you?
Fred is so cute! He looks just like Mac! But you didn't send pictures of the "red neck aquarium". LOL Personally, I didn't think it looked too bad. But I have seen your chicken coop too! LOL
Love you,
We have several red-ears. Most we found in the road, a couple were bought. Once they're too big, we release them back to our pond. One of them, Mr. Meany, returned to our back door 3 times before permanently staying in the pond! I like to think it's him when I see a large one basking along the bank.
Congratulations on the addition to the family. My Grandfather used to pick up turtles out of the road for me when I was a little girl. They always seemed to escape my lovely outdoor prison by morning. Sorry to hear about your Grandma, my Mawmaw also knew alot of dirty jokes and loved to email them to you.
Awww! Love him! Welcome to the family Fred!
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